Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Legend of Kokopelli

Kokopelli was know to the Native Americans as a fertility god, prankster, story teller and healer. He dates back to over 3000 years ago, and can be found painted and carved into many rock walls in the south west.
There are many myths and stories about Kokopelli, some say he would appear at the end of winter and play his flute to welcome spring. Another story tells of villagers dancing and singing as Kokopelli played his flute and the next day the woman of the tribe would be pregnant.
What ever the true story may be, Kokopelli always brings dancing, music and prosperity to those around. We would like to be like Kokopelli and help bring propsperity into your business. Once you see that your business is growing and prospering, you might do a little dancing of your own!

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